Sales Multiplier

As a coach, your greatest joy comes from facilitating and witnessing profound change and growth in the people that you support. Those breakthrough moments when someone's life shifts in a beautiful new direction give you a sense of fulfillment and gratification like no other.

But no matter how much you give to your clients, there are only so many hours in a day. How can you serve them deeply, and perhaps reach even more people without sacrificing quality and results?

Introducing Your AI Coaching Companion

What if you had a knowledgeable assistant by your side who could offer a level of dedicated support that would keep your clients stead on their path to change? An AI imbued with your coaching philosophies, methods, and voice - enhancing your ability to truly meet clients where they are.

With Digital Wisdom's AI Coaching Assistant, that's exactly what you get. This powerful conversational AI acts as an extension of you, providing personalized coaching based on your unique wisdom.

The Limitations of Group Coaching 

Running group programs allows you to share your wisdom with more individuals simultaneously. However, even in an intimate group setting, it's difficult to provide everyone with personalized attention and accountability between live sessions.

You know this personal connection is crucial for clients to integrate the teachings and sustain lasting change. But following up with each person's progress, answering questions, and recommending practices simply isn't feasible for everyone in the group.

And it is likely difficult when you work with a certain number of individuals as well.

You rely on them reaching out to you, but this approach doesn’t work for everyone. Especially those who withdraw when the going feels challenging.

Your Wisdom, Amplified

Our AI learns from your existing coaching materials to masterfully apply your methodologies and share guidance through a conversational AI chatbot that:

*  Responds to client questions in your authentic voice and tone
*  Guides clients through exercises, shares insights, and recommends resources
*  Adjusts approaches based on client needs and your feedback

By having an AI assistant provide supplementary coaching, you multiply the value for your clients:

*  Ongoing accountability and personalized support between live sessions
*  24/7 access to the practices and wisdom they need, exactly when needed
*  Direct line to your coaching genius, distilled into an AI version of you  

More for Your Clients, More for Your Business

A fluid integrated AI coaching experience through your bespoke conversational AI is designed by you to best serve your clients and amplifies your business at the same time:

*  Custom-branded web and mobile apps for seamless client experience
*  Integrations with messaging apps to answer client inquiries 24/7
*  Deepen impact with existing clients through consistent AI coaching

For your business, it means amplifying your ability to transform more lives and earn more for it:
*  Ability to offer AI-enabled coaching as a new premium service
*  Reach a wider audience with new AI-enabled offerings at lower price points
*  Save time while increasing revenue through higher engagement

It's time to amplify your impact and change more lives through your work.

Let AI be the catalyst that allows you and your clients to soar.

Let your wisdom do the coaching 24/7

Now you can offer real coaching 24/7 to anyone who’s ever wanted it, with both free and subscription options available.

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Digital Wisdom Your Premium AI Concierge

We seek to provide high-touch full-service bespoke AI solutions to premier top tier coaches who only want the best.

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