Visibility Accelerator

You know visibility is everything when it comes to growing your coaching business. But creating engaging and inspiring content, establishing your expertise, and promoting your services takes a herculean amount of time and effort.

An AI Solution that Raises Your Visibility – Automatically

As a coach, we’ll bet that you've found your life's purpose - guiding others to realize their deepest desires. The transformation you witness in them lights you up from the inside.

You know you could have an even greater impact by supporting many more people with the wealth of wisdom and experience housed inside of you.

However, making your voice heard amidst all the noise online is an uphill battle. That's a real challenge for many gifted coaches. 

The notorious Visibility struggle

If you're like most coaches, you've likely experienced this cycle:

You facilitate a client breakthrough and feel inspired to share your insights from it, knowing that the wisdom shared will both help others and showcase the power of coaching. 

You spend hours creating amazing content - an in-depth blog post, a video series, or an info-packed lead magnet. 

You share it online with high hopes...only for it to get a handful of likes (if any) and it all quickly fades into the digital abyss.

Perhaps you dive into marketing methods like social media, webinars, or podcasting. But without a consistent, strategic plan for standing out, you end up feeling scattered. Like you're speaking into a void instead of attracting your true audience.

We’ve created a Solution That Raises Your Visibility Painlessly

Our bespoke AI Coaching Assistant helps you to amplify your voice and increase your visibility automatically with significantly less effort from you, leaving you more time to be with your clients and experience the joy of changing lives. 

Here’s how Digital Wisdom’s AI Coaching Assistant works:

Your Strategic Writing Assistant 

Your Visibility Accelerator
*  Analyzes your existing content to uncover unique angles and topics to lead on
*  Creates on-brand content in your voice and tone tailored for visibility - posts, blogs, lead magnets and more
*  Prolific content written and ready to be shared consistently across channels for maximum reach and engagement

Your Authority Establisher
*  Shapes your ideas into polished, high-impact thought leadership pieces
*  Helps you become a go-to expert through consistent, quality content
*  Builds your credibility through consistent sharing of wisdom unique to you

Your Conversational AI

Your Always-On Growth Engine
*  Leads and potential clients can get a taste of your coaching style by experiencing it through your bespoke chatbot, trained on your unique wisdom
*  Your AI responds to potential clients’ questions anytime with your authentic voice, methods and practices
*  It even guides clients through exercises, shares insights, and recommends resources building trust, authority and voice

With an AI Coaching Assistant dedicated to raising your visibility, you can finally stop living post-to-post or launch-to-launch.

Instead, you'll build a consistent, ubiquitous presence and become a recognized authority that will grow your coaching business giving you more time to do the work you love.

Let your wisdom do the coaching 24/7

Now you can offer real coaching 24/7 to anyone who’s ever wanted it, with both free and subscription options available.

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Digital Wisdom Your Premium AI Concierge

We seek to provide high-touch full-service bespoke AI solutions to premier top tier coaches who only want the best.

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